Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence

Making a positive impact on the world, AI Tech Dragons Inc. is an AI technology company based in Nevada.
Innovation & Products

Committed to improving the landscape utilizing AI technology

Established 2 years ago, we have brought together a formidable team of AI experts, including PhDs specializing in deep learning and machine learning.

Our Projects

Our News

Our pioneering products

Last year, we launched our pioneering products: an AI-driven newsletter and NewsGPT, the world's first news channel generated entirely by AI. These innovations underscore our commitment to improving the media landscape utilizing AI technology.

Our most ambitious project to date

AIbraham Lincoln, the world's first AI presidential candidate, meticulously designed and developed over a year. As a company driven by a team of forward-thinking technologists, we emphasize that we have no affiliations with any political or media entities.

Our Mission

To drive enduring positive change and foster a better future through the power of AI, committed to the ethical implementation of AI technologies.
The Dragons

Meet our team

Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do your best work.
Masters Econ -1st in class 10+ years angel investor Technology entrepreneur and philanthropist.
Cambridge Honors in System Engineering with 15+ years' experience building tech systems.
Head of Innovation
PHD in Engineering with 10+ years as a technologist to disrupt and innovate in industry and think about change.
Darren L
Development Lead
17+ years as a software developer and team  lead across multiple projects.
Head of AI
PHD in AI, Part of the Google AI Research team and extensive experience building and deploying AI models.
Lead AI Engineer
Masters in MIPT 5+ years in development of complex AI solutions.
Production Manager
15+ years in audio production, radio and advertising industries, working with top global brands.
Darren T
Head of Design, UX and UI
10+ years in design, UX and UI to produce a simple, clean and easy process in the gaming industry as well as banking.